Dopamine Junkie's Smoldering Embers
Dopamine Junkie's Freak v. 3.0 maximizing more than the freak. ruthlessly honest with myself. rebuilding my core.

This mouth cannot speak Dopamine Junkie's Red Door.

My mouth.

Zap My Synapse.

MYIF:Dope J v. 1.0
Deeper Freak Massage: Dope J v. 2.0

Chikara: vulnerability is my strength.

Pout mouth needs kisses.

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Thursday, November 08, 2001
Dopamine Junkie is changing into something new.
Therefore she must fly from here. To another url.
Because the Smoldering Embers are almost ashes now,
and what remains is something purified.

It's been awhile since I've been accused of excessive self-absorption
and megalomania. But one unkind sir has written complaining
of my lack of salacious content, and tells me that my posts of late
are "not attractive" - let us all speculate as to the motivation of this man,
who should write to me, and accuse me thus.

I wrote him back, not out of anger or spite, but in recognition of his
insights, none of which were unknown to me.

Good Bye Sir. And good bye to all the other would-be critics.
In a blink and a twinkle, delete me from your hard drive.
Thank you for taking the time to shoot your arrows at my
exposed heart. Ciao.

Anyway, I am starting something new, and he does not need to come with me.
No one need come with me, except those who do not mind
the self-absorption, the wild swing of my pendulum, and the occasional [ wink ]
fantasy or erotic recollection.

I'm going to dump my last and latest "garbage" posts here.
Stuff that I wrote recently that is really of no consequence.
Just words. Nothing I've written is of any consequence.

This is an online diary of sorts, a published evolution.
How ridiculous that anyone would think to "critique" it,
to "critique" me!

But who knows. Maybe I needed this push.
I've been meandering in my content, looking for a center.
Did you know that I used to be a devout Baptist girl?
A gospel singer? Would you believe it?

Then I left the circle of my family, and the church.
To explore, Siddartha-like, the pleasures of the world and the flesh.
And on that Hesse-ian journey I lost my true Spirit.
But I turn inside, yes, self-absorbed now, to tear away
these grimy layers, the calluses, the scar tissue, the selfishness,
the disenchantment, the drama, ha HA!

Reminds me of something I wrote back in '98,
when I was first waking up.

And now to dump out the last of the garbage writing.
Peace and Love be with you.
your dopamine junkie

A little bit of philanthropy

Sometimes it is difficult to reach out to old friends.
There never seems to be a good answer, a truthful
answer, to the simple "How are you doing?" question.

So I try to modify those questions, but that's not any better either.

- Are you happy? I ask.
- Getting there, is a common reply.

There is no road to happy. Happy is now or never.
Eternity is now.

These days I feel my soul reaching out like never before,
a pervasive feeling these days, I believe.
The need to connect, the need to heal, the need for intimacy.

In this City So Small, with 5.4% unemployment,
and terror in our minds, there is a sickly human stench
walking the streets downtown.
I'm sure it's worse many other places in the world,
but every morning when I'm walking with the morning
crush to get to my designated workspace by 9 a.m.
like it makes a real difference, I am assaulted by the smell of desperation.
It's not quiet. It's stinky.

Fear is the essence of that smell.
Of being unable to pay bills, of being unable to pay rent,
of being alone, of being forgotten.

It's easy to be lost here. We crowd into our digital
communities like human contact was out of style.
Maybe it is. Maybe we're each crawling into bunkers,
closing ranks, paring down to survival essentials.

The proletarians put in their time,
motivated more by fear of losing their jobs than anything else.
We work and try to add value, we come home exhausted,
not so much from the work, but from the effort of having our
lives diminished day after day, trading in
happiness for that hand to mouth paycheck.
And what is left of our empty shells
cannot offer much to nurturing relationships.

And what is left of my tired little shell,
can't seem to motivate enough to clean my room.
Luckily, I am grown up now so there is no one
to punish me for having a messy room.


I want to be the shiny object you follow with your eyes,
always glinting in your peripheral vision.
To be noticed but not overly so, to be cherished
and yet not smothered.

For the moment I am simply a woman.
Not a girl, not loaded with "I wanna be a boy" my-chismo,
not a friend or a daughter or a sister.

Just a woman, who behind closed doors and
with no one around,revels in her own femininity.
I like to brush my long dark hair until it is shiny and
smooth, I like to exfoliate and moisturize, I like to paint my nails.

A long time ago at the home of my best friend,
his roommate watched as I applied my makeup.
Later on he told me that his roommate had claimed to
have fallen in love with me during my process.

The transformation of a shiny clean young face,
with addition of powder, shadow, rouge,
mascara and of course, lipstick.

Lipstick draws attention to the mouth,
marking the spot for kisses, a juicy and
succulent little opening in a sweet face,
with honey and softness inside.

I'm giving up chocolate.
At least I'm trying.
Today is my first choco-free day.
We'll see how long I last before I
cram another Mars bar into my piggy little mouth.


As you can tell, last night I wasn't particularly that
overcome with brilliance and inspiration.
Probably because I spent the earlier part of the evening
groaning through Buffy: the Musical.


I have this pattern of putting myself out there
to the people I love, offering up
my time because that's really all I have to give.
But these days, time is a more precious
commodity than money, right?

So the pattern is that I put myself out there
and hope that I will be remembered and
asked for my time.

When in danger of feeling marginalized
and forgotten, I make myself scarce,
I make myself tiny, I make myself invisible.
I hide under a blanket and think that no one sees me.
Or I back away, to help you forget me,
to assist in euthanizing my existence to you,
so that I cannot be called a victim.

Swing pendulum! Swing!

I am huge, I am tiny.
I gorge or I starve myself.
I want to be noticed or I want to disappear.
I want notoriety, I want anonymity.
I want consistency, I want contradiction.
I want peace, I want flux.

Tuesday, November 06, 2001
hugs and the scent of gardenias are my tuesday.
ever seen a girl walking the streets of this
city with gardenias all up in her hair?
that's me.

I've been giving out more hugs lately.
Usually I don't hug.
I don't want to be perceived as one of those
"huggy" people.
And my hugs are said to be, and I know that they are,
potent and magical.
And so I conserve them.

But lately I've been giving them out more.
Because I need hugs too. And why not
do something for other people that makes them feel good?

If you were here, I'd give you a hug.
And it would feel damn good too.

Mr. P stopped by briefly to give me gardenias
and a hug, something really lovely and nice
on a blah Tuesday.

Tonight I'm taking the night off of socializing
to write. Hopefully I will be inspired.
Perhaps I will begin to unravel this almost year-long tale.
Of the birth of Dopamine Junkie
and all the reasons why.

We'll see what I can cook up in my little kitchen.
New Pix of Dope J at the site.
pwd: shell_conscious

Hugs and Hugs.

Friday, November 02, 2001
More on Terry's Death.
Thanatos, I know what you're doing.

Terry was kidnapped first February 25th, 1999.
US kidnap victims found dead
From BBC News

His body was found on March 6th, 1999
Colombian rebels blamed for brutal slayings of 3 AmericansFrom CNN

He would have turned 25 in May of that year.

I'm sorry to be so macabre.
But with petty stresses of my own weighing me down,
and the strange hollowness of this "war" we're in,
and the pervasive creeping terror
at bay, sometimes I need to think about Terry to remind me about
perspective, courage, patience, and love.

His death birthed in me a new appreciation for the people in my life.
And for the trees. And for the moon.
And for every breath I get to take, that he doesn't.

Thursday, November 01, 2001

my blade got duller
the sharp edge no longer cuts through
my skull like it used to

so what's the problem?
am i not repressed enough?
do i need to be repressed,
or compressed like a piece of coal
to make a diamond?

i no longer feel an impetus to write here.
nothing is pushing me.
nothing is calling me.

some say i shouldn't need that.
so what? some writers need strange catalysts.
i just need a hug and maybe a choice packet.
a phone call or a dime in the bucket.
a carrot. a carrot shaped like a pretty pair of shoes.
Or not.


I was looking at my Buddy List on AIM and realized
that I have the screen name of a friend who is dead
still listed.

I've written about him before, I think.
He was the best friend of Cherry Popper.
And the only person I knew when I started school in Santa Cruz.
A woodsy type he was, also a black belt in Hapkido.
Gentle type, liked animals, wore Tevas, infinitely patient.
Spent time with Native Americans on reservations,
loved going to New Mexico to listen to the cicadas,
worked to make the lives of people around him better.
We spent time together. He listened to Ani di Franco,
whom I despise, and liked to cook.
He went to Chiapas shortly after the massacre in 1998.
He went to Colombia to work with a non-profit
humanitarian organization to help the indigenous people
of the rain forest there, the U'wa, fight for their right to
keep Occidental oil from drilling on their sacred lands.
This is the fight he fought for people who have lived
in the rain forests for centuries; in a place you can't get to
by car, where he wrote me letters by the light of a single
candle from within a small dirt floor hut.
He was murdered, by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC),
in 1999, execution-style, on his knees, blindfolded, with a gun to the back of his head.

During the few years I knew him, his friendship with my boyfriend deteriorated.
He'd fallen in love with me and decided (without consulting me) to tell his best friend.
Needless to say, pain for all three of us ensued.
I asked him to not speak to me again for awhile.
He respected my wishes.
6 months later, I wrote him, telling him that my pain had subsided
and that I was ready to see him again.

He wrote me a letter which said this:

The point, of this afterthought is to let you know, if you didn't
already, that I do not take you for granted in the least. I do not take a single
feeling between us for granted, not friendship, not animosity, not

He said he liked it even when I was angry at him,
because he loved to hear me talk, loved my voice,
loved to read my words.
At the time I assure you this only frustrated me more.
But he never met my anger with anger, never responded to me
with anything but love and patience. And I was so cold to him at one point.

His screen name will never be active again.
He'll never be home for me to call at 3 a.m. when
I'm frying on acid to answer me in a sleepy gentle pleased voice.
And then we'd walk together in dreams, our eyes closed.

I'm lucky to have been loved by him, for even a short time.

Terry, I miss you today. You're still in my heart.

Tuesday, October 30, 2001
i don't have anything i want to say.
my head aches.

Thursday, October 25, 2001
I would like one day without a struggle.
One day without a battle of wills.

One day my mother was here visiting with my 4 younger sisters.
We asked her, Mama, what do you want to do?
Whatever you guys want.
We asked again, but Mama, let’s do something you want to do.
And she really didn’t even know what she might want to do, after so many years of parcelling away her own desires, of bending, of wanting to please others.

It echoes in me now.

Someone asking me, What do you want to do?
Whatever, I say. I don’t care. Whatever you want to do.

It has happened to me too, then.
I don’t care. Whatever you want to do.
My life, my preferences, my very existence is only in response to what someone else’s wants. Or what someone else needs.

What a pattern. What a legacy.
It’s almost as though I cannot fight it, this need for self-denial.
It makes me think – what would I do if I were on my own?
What would I do if I had no one to please but myself?
What would my life be like if I lived only according to my need?

It was a grey Sunday in the City and I spent the entire day with Hugo.
He got to my house around lunchtime, and so the inevitable City questions arose:

“Where/what do you want to eat?”
“What do you feel like doing today?”

Left to myself, I would simply want to haunt a bookstore, read and write in a café. Watch a foreign film. Eat pizza. Draw.

That’s all I ever really want to do.
If left to my own self.

But I feel the need to provide entertainment, something memorable, or creative or exciting.

I try to populate the time I spend with friends with creative projects or some kind of stimulating endeavour. So it’s not just dinner and a movie and drinks and then go home.

I put to him the questions above. He had no answer. So he asked.

“Well, what do you want to do/eat today?”

In my mother’s voice, I answer.
I don’t care. Just whatever. Whatever you want.

Trying to think of something creative we could do, I ask him if he wants to work on his law school application – he’s writing his personal statement.

I helped him with his last one – he’d applied to law schools straight out of undegrad and was accepted to all of them, but declined them all because we decided to live together and work for a year instead.

And that’s what I’m good for. Words.

But he wanted to save that for later in the evening, and wanted to do something fun for during the day.

So we finally have crepes in the Mission, and while eating I thought out loud –

If you want we could go to my house later and take pictures of you.

He gives me this look. Perhaps I projected too much onto/into it.
But it was a look I recognized, a certain displeasure, a disinterest.
A look that breaks me down.

- Pictures of me, huh? He takes another bite, looks away. Who knows what he could have been thinking.

But I have been struck by his look, his tone, his dissociated gaze.
And my involuntary, ingrained, pavlovian reaction kicks in and my eyes well with tears. I am embarrassed, humiliated as I know that my upset is blatantly obvious to him and all those around me.

He reaches across the table top for my hand but I yank it away.
I excuse myself to the restroom, which is thankfully vacant.
I turn on the faucet and watch the water run into the sink.
My own tears fall uncontrollably, and my face in the mirror contorts grotesquely into some weird mask of pain.

Oh the drama. I hate myself for it, but I can’t seem to get a handle on it.
Even with my self-awareness. Even with the perspective of multiple religions, acute self analysis, and a Santa Cruz vibe.

I’m a woman I guess. Not a man like I try to be when I need to control or repress my feelings.

When I return to the table I do not look directly at him for several minutes. I see that he is trying not to look at me, as after his fashion.

I try to break the silence with a bright false tone:

- Ready to leave?
- Sure, he says.

We spend the next few hours in relative silence as we walk the shops on Valencia. I find solace in a cheap used copy of Jung’s dream symbolism.

For once I would like to spend time with a man who doesn’t make me cry. For once I want something easy like Sunday morning.

Oh my little outlet. The tears flow into words.
So many things are wrong with me.
I have so little.
I feel tiny.
I feel, as Bjork says, “my rescue squads is too exhausted.”
I want to please others, to help, to give.
That is the pleasure I was taught.
And when someone’s pleasure is to watch me pleasure myself,
I cringe in failure.

I do not know how to please myself.
I do not know how to ask for what I want.

This is why I run away from my own pleasure, find some fetish or object or image to project it onto.

So here, in secret whispers, I will say into this dark void, what I want.

In Family:

I want a supportive, dynamic father who cares for his daughters with love and respect.
I want an empowered, happy mother who lives for her pleasure and happiness, and teaches her daughters to do the same.
I want my sisters to have no obstacles to their future and the full support of myself and my parents.
I want my entire family to communicate to one another with love and respect and kindness and consideration.

In Friends:

I want phone calls and emails and someone to throw me a party.
I want people to ask for my time.
I want to be remembered.
I want to be asked if I need help.
I want a day of quality time at the very least every fiscal quarter with my loved ones.
I want to cry with them. I want to laugh with them. I want to sing for them and have them sing with me. I want us to dance together,
I want us to all fully take responsibility for the limited amount of time we might have together on this planet and make it count, make time to spend.

In Sex:

I want to know how to experience pleasure sensations in connection to my own body.
I want to be fearless and uninhibited.
I want to be fantasy.
I want to be real.
I want to be cuddled and kissed and stroked until I sleep.
And wake up the same way.

I want a partner who never makes me feel bad or guilty that I don’t feel like it, or that I don’t feel good.

In Work:

I want to love what I do.
I want to write for a living.
I want to sing for a living.
I want to paint and sculpt and build and throw fabulous dinner parties and design shoes and have my home be the refuge where I work and have people over.

In Shoes:

Beautiful t-straps with platform or skinny heels.
Platform space boots in all colors
Boots. Gorgeous leather boots.
Delicate, comfortable and sturdy sandals.

In Money:

I want to not worry about money all the time.
I want to not feel desperate about it all the time.
I want to fix my credit, pay off my student loans and have enough to buy a Sorority house for my real sisters, and all my other beautiful women friends.
I want to give money to my parents and my grandparents so they can buy a hot tub, an RV, and a vacation home in a beach town.
I want to set up a fund for my friends and I for emergencies.

In Love:

I want Love to make me feel like I can do anything.
I want Love to purify me.
I want Love in its amorphous, shifting form, to envelope me with mighty pseudopods and engulf me in its red depth.
I want Love that makes me so happy I become one of those people I hate who get married and make ‘such a lovely couple.’
I want Love that erases any conditioning or pre-programmed responses.
I want Love that lasts.
I want Love that communicates itself through a hand on my cheek.
I want Love that melts me away, heals my wounds, gives me strength.
I want Love that smooths me out.

Wednesday, October 24, 2001
I have pages to post. I've been writing at home on a laptop
with no internet access however, and a floppy drive that doesn't work.
Patience is a virtue.

Monday, October 22, 2001
Choice Packet @ Viceland

Friday night I was pampered and spoiled as a City princess
by the young blond with green eyes.
A steaming hot tub at Eliza's and his skillful ministrations
melted away the stress of the workweek and left
me dizzy and lightheaded.

There's just something about rising from a hot tub
and watching the steam rise from naked glistening skin
cool air tightening the nipple buds for a mouth
warm skin pulling taut as it cools....

And he stroked me, took me, as the water sluiced at my hips
and I held on to the edge of the tub
reveling in sensation
watching an ant crossing the ground before me

It reminded me of the updated Lolita film
with Jeremy Irons
a scene which begins with the young Lolita
chewing bubble gum and reading comics
only minutes later is it revealed, with her gasp
that she is reading the funnies while sitting astride him
reverse cowgirl
and he is rocking her slowly, sitting in a chair

Recently I have been stricken again with the anhedonia
Sex is pleasurable but I can't always cum
not for the lack of effort and skill of my partner
but because it's in my head, it's in my head!
Something isn't connecting in my head.

I realize now that this is because I have over objectified myself.
Pleasure does not happen "to" me.
Pleasure is something that I have to achieve through another door.
I must connect the pleasure center in my mind, that dark chamber,
to the sensations of my body.
Often, I must do this through third-party fantasy . . .
Meaning, I connect the sensation to the fantasy, and experience
a voyeuristic, proxy-served orgasm.
It's not me in the picture, it's not me in the fantasy,
it's not me experiencing the pleasure directly.

Because I can't. Even as I masturbate I find I am thinking
of someone else. Projecting all the imagined feeling
onto the pornographic images that flash in my mind,
before my eyes, connecting those images to the sensation.

Now that I figured out what's wrong, I need to figure out
how to fix it.

Friday, October 19, 2001
Bjork renders her audience speechless
with her innovation and talent.
Her live show at the Paramount was amazing.
From the rear balcony I could barely
put my hands together to applaud because I
had to keep my hands on the binoculars
and my eyes on her every movement
at all times.

She is magnetic. She is unique.
She is fierce and cute and melodic
and I had never seen her live before.
Her voice is an instrument.
Her phrasing - breath between the notes
was art to me.

I'm gushing but how can I not?
I saw my goddess muse.
She delivered her message
with utmost conviction and confidence.

What did she do after the show?
Did she eat something?
I wonder what she ate.

I need more and more Bjork all of the time.
Recent Interview with Bjork
Her set lists have been pretty much the same on this tour.
And she's worn the same 2 dresses, both so wacky and
overdone that they were grotesque in the most beautiful way.

For like pics.
For like setlists.

the high points of the show for me
when she finally spoke during her first encore
and said "I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce the people who play music for me"
and she rolled her r's in that icelandic way

when she hit "emotionaaaal landsacaaapes....." during Joga. . .
when she got all worked up at the end of Human Behavior and screamed into the mike,
walked in a circle, screamed into the mike etc...4 times to end the song.

Her lyrics peel me back layers and layers
so many times I wanted to scream I love you Bjork
but the words caught in my throat
I was just in awe of her little self.
Classical training doesn't teach you how to use her voice
the way she does. No training could teach you that.

The sound in the Paramount Theatre was amazing.
The theatre itself was so beautiful, a restored
jewel in the otherwise bleak downtown Oakland.

Endless lines of alterna-chic fashionistas.
I was in boring work clothes. But it mattered not.
I was just an observer, and another faithful and
fervent fanatic of the cult of Bjork.

Thursday, October 18, 2001
I went to see Bjork last night at the Paramount Theatre in Oakland
and it was off the hook. off the chain.
off the heezy for sheezy.

I need a little time to gather my thoughts together about last night,
but I will write about it.

In the meantime, a tidbit of psychoanalysis from yesterday afternoon:

I've been short-tempered and volatile lately.
Blowing up in reactive rages.
Feeling immediately contrite one minute afterwards.
Having to apologize, humbly and fearfully.
Something strange has come over me.

@lunch with the Connoisseur today
he gives me a little pop psychoanalysis

"it all goes back to your father."
of course this is something that we all know.
I know. Dr. Drew knows. Anyone who listens
to Lovelines knows. All the teens know.

We weren't really free to have fun in my house.
He hated it when we were too exuberant,
too loud and boisterous as children tend to be.
Because of his emotional and physical abuse,
I learned how to avoid pain by retreating into my head.
I was taught, by my mother's example, that
pleasure was found in giving to others.

The distortion of pleasure. The avoidance of pain.
What I learned of pleasure was that it was forbidden.
What I learned of pleasure was that Nurturing
and Giving should be the pleasure.
Taking care of people is the pleasure.

And now I have locked myself away in my head.
Because no one needs my care, not really.
If anything, I have become dependent on others.
Subsequently, I learn to make others happy before myself,
because I am humbled and shamed by my own dependence.

Recently I was asked to say what I do for fun.
I couldn't answer.
What I do for fun is spend time with other people
and try to make them happy, I guess.
Try to give whatever I have of myself, that anyone
might want, to make someone else happy.

Another one of the lessons I unwittingly learned from my mother.
Our family never thought that self-actualization, personal happiness
or pleasure was important.
It's a Protestant household, lots of sacrifice and martyrdom and
passive aggressive manifestations of repressed desires.

Pleasure is something that happens to someone else.
Which is why I can only achieve pleasure
as a voyeur or as an object, but never the subject.
When it comes around to what I want, I can only
fantasize about it, I can only fetishize myself from
an objective perspective.

But with just me, when I'm alone I mean,
I just feel like a small girl, not particularly exciting.
My only real value is text-based.
And maybe for a song.

Been re-reading Hesse.

I wanted only to try to live in accord with the
promptings which came from my true self.
Why was that so very difficult?

- Hesse, Demian

Joseph Campbell urges me to find the burning point, follow my bliss.

This struggle for self-discovery, for self-actualization is
a battle against the deeply ingrained programming of self-denial.
But I wanna be the winner.

Wednesday, October 17, 2001
Once these eyes burned so bright and black
so sick with fever and fervor
sweating blood poisoned
with ravenous and repressed desire
Supernova styles

When the gnawing inside became too much to bear
I fed the starving young thing
glutted, sated, eyes glazed over
as after a vampire's feast

The release of the chemical rush
carried me away, uplifted me onto a wave
and from its crest I waved
Tossed back my hair and arched in pleasure

This was a fire that consumed me
I saw a Phoenix rising in the flames
In the throes of desire I felt purified
not vilified
but Justified
and Mollified
in a certain way, clarified

The flame has quieted now
Having burnt away the flesh
Now I am just bone
and a silken cocoon
Undergoing metamorphosis
only the eyes and the brain remain
and maybe the red mouth

So I am shifting in form
Shifting in desire
Inexhaustible still
but a different kind of fire

Its not so much the anhedonia
Perhaps it's a different thing this time
Perhaps the juices are all in my head
greasing the wheels to get me moving
instead of slicking me down
for only my pleasure

Instead I am burning and restless
Absorbing, Learning, Creation
To devour whole worlds of philosophy again
Monopolizing my concentration?
and sensation?

DJ is a woman trying to get by
the corporate world has been banging me dry
< don't be offended by the link over there
if only you're inclined, and have a little to spare

I need fuel for thinking, and for thinking, time
I get a little blocked when i'm counting dimes
I need a goal ahead and support from behind
Not feeling hopeless greatly eases my mind.

***DJ's new project is a small and unsophisticated site for older writings,
other thoughts, and stuuuf. It's not meant to be easy to navigate. It's only
3 pages deep so far.***

Monday, October 15, 2001
Last night, an apocalyptic dream vision.
The world is ending. Everything is in Red.
I am teaching my sisters to fly.
[ this is a recurrent theme in my dreams, teaching others to fly ]
We are flying about, trying to save our family members.
The people of the world are lined up in endless queues,
all waiting to go somewhere like a jail or an internment camp.

Evil forces [ I cannot remember their faces, but they are dark shapes ]
are trying to catch me, but they cannot fly, not as quickly as we can.
There is a bus full of people on it's way to somewhere, and
everyone is somber, and the babies are crying.
The sky is Red and I am flying through it.
I pick up my mother who is standing in one of these
interminable lines. At first I think she will be too heavy for me to carry
and fly, but I manage to do it with ease.
My sisters are flying around me, we are spinning and whirling in the air
at increased speeds, and below us on the earth, the long lines
of unhappy people.
Time seems to be running out but I don't know what this means.

There is something akin to a bowling alley, and people are launched down the lane
into an abyss of dirty packing kernels. You must do this and then crawl out.
It almost seems like I wouldn't fit but I got out somehow.
My father tries and I scream, No! You won't make it out!
But somehow he does.

And then there is another cue, another sign, to keep moving
before we are caught. I scoop up my mother
and bring her to a high perch, my sisters too, they are safe.
I see my father on the ground.
I think I might pick him up, but I think he is too heavy.
I think again that we might all try to carry him together,
but he is too heavy.

So I leave him behind.
With the rest of the world, to be consumed in the wash of red,
in the heat that burns the ground.

Friday, October 12, 2001
Discover Hip Hop! [you must click]
Takashi Murakami
Headphone Fetish Page
Momus page
The Idea Line displays a timeline of net artworks, arranged in a fan of luminous threads.
Shoes in the Bay Area

Only recently have I discovered that I have developed an ability
to make a little space in my head where walls push out all the thoughts,
where there are no windows or doors.
Thoughts try to push their way in, but they just don't make it.
I concentrate on nothing.
I concentrate on that little space inside myself, where I can sit in a lotus
position and breathe. Smile for no reason. Close my eyes.
Feel nothing but existence.

It's very restful, this place.
I want to be able to get here wherever I am.

Anima/Animus again

Right. Well perhaps you've already heard/read me talking about this, about
how it always seemed that I was more a boygirl than a girlgirl, how I felt
that I maintained relationships with men because I was a little bit boy
and my men friends were all a little bit gay.

Turns out it was just me chasing my animus,
and them chasing their anima, all along.

Last weekend I had a girls weekend. Spent most of my time
with my lady friends, and we went out dancing, and had a small
sleepover at my house.
It felt good to have the collaborative female energy around,
it felt good to be around independent women. In a non-drama
capacity. By this I mean, it wasn't a bunch of females talking
about boys and commiserating, as we are so often wont to do.
Instead we fully enjoyed each other's company, enjoyed each other.
This past week I have spent more time with boys. It's gratifying
to know that at 26, I have men friends who support and love me,
just because.

This weekend I just wanna rest. Next week's excitement includes the
Bjork concert on Weds! And next weekend is gonna be chock full
of activities. Lots of open studios and art showings and parties
and stuff.

Nothing intellectually profound to impart. Nothing especially wonderful
or humanitarian to say.

I'm in this little box in my mind, taking a rest from too much deep thinking.

Besides, I don't think there's anyone left to read me.
No stimulus is hard for me to want to keep writing.

Monday, October 08, 2001
*Kundalini Flavored Soup*
with the broth of sentient meat

I have taken a few yoga classes in my life,
mostly centered on the exercise of the body
rather than the full awakening of the chakras.

Somehow I have awakened her, the coiled serpent,
the Kundalini and she is rising through the Sushumna
piercing through and activating each lotus center.

She has lifted her head past the first lotus center,
the Muladhara, and has thus awakened my spiritual consciousness.
When this happened I think was some time in the past 3 years.
But as I wandered through the sentience of the spirit world, the grid,
I lost myself in the wandering, collecting flowers and pretty shiny things
which only lured me back to the physical world and all its mundane trappings.

What began in January of this year was the activation of the second
lotus center, the Svadhishthana, and suddenly the world
around me was suffused with that dark thick red glow of sex.
There I rested, at the Kundalini's favorite resort, and there you first
discovered me, in the scented air that tickled your inner ear,
where I quietly undulated and whispered secret fantasies.

Now with yawning stretch and prana fueled Om and amen,
she ascends to the third chakra, in which I now dwell.

"Its name, Manipura, means "the city of the shining jewel."
It is a lotus of ten petals of the color of heavy-laden storm clouds;
fire is its element; and the governing interest of anyone whose
unfolding serpent power has become established on this plane is
in consuming, conquering, turning all into his own substance,
or forcing all to conform to his way of thought.
His psychology, ruled by an insatiable will to power, is of an Adlerian type."

- J. Campbell, Myths to Live By

Yes, here I am, struggling against my own inferiority complex.
Why would I feel inferior?
Because I have nothing to give but my sentience.
I have nothing to offer but all that is stored in this infintesimal self.
If you believe in me, I am boundless.
If you simply look upon the shell of a girl,
I am nothing but black hair, smooth skin,
dark eyes and a small red mouth.
I melt into the masses of Asian women in this City.
I am dwarfed by Amazonian women with their long legs
and sharp features.

I used to sing in front of a crowd of 2000+ people nightly.
I used to be smarter. I used to be more responsible.
I used to be young and promising.

Now, if only in my own mind, my own thinking,
I consume worlds of thought and writhe in the ecstasy of knowledge consumption.

The inner call to my destiny has been muffled, stifled, obscured.
By a filter of fear, self-loathing, classic Adlerian inferiority complex.
But the messages that get through are routed secretly
to an Inbox, where I have been reading the messages:

- Destiny calls. Call us back.
- Write it all out. Make it a novel.
- Go back to grad school. The world will need more informed psychoanalysts.
- Start a new religion.
- Use your younger sisters to build your multi-media installations and musical empire.
- Will you love yourself already?

Once I had a vision of my artistic debut as a staged funeral.
As a rite of passage, a sacrifice of my old self, a death of the ego,
the emergence from a lifelong struggle against my imprinting.
Children would dance around the coffin in a circle,

"Ashes, ashes, we all fall down!"

It all seems a bit dated now. And done "to death."

Don't worry if you're vision is new.
Let others make that decision,
they usually do.
Just keep moving on. . .

Anything you do, let it come from you.
Then it will be new.

- Sondheim, Move On, fr. Sunday in the Park with George.

To break out I think I must needs perform this rite.
With a trail of discarded shells to mark the metamorphosis.
And for this I will need help. To enshroud and coccoon me.
To create life-size chrysalises which I will discard.

I believe if I perform this rite enough times,
my wings will start to show.

Friday, October 05, 2001
Crickets and Tumbleweed, please raise your hands.

Working on a new flavor of soup. Kundalina flavored.
In the meantime, I wanted to post the first awakening of my selves.
The day they first woke up.

Mon, 23 Mar 1998
[Context: I don't remember much about this context except that it was before
my annual Spring Break trip to New York. Ex-boy was sleeping in my bed in my
on-campus college apt. where I was the R.A. I used to hate his peaceful sleep.
Nothing could wake him. So I took one mushroom. And started writing emails.
I found myself writing to myself! ] p.s. I left in all the typos.


I am writing to you, myself, because I have no twin and no one in this
universe has the capacity to comprehend me, nor the desire.
ANd because it is you that drives me insane.
It is you that runs the molecules in my
brain iin circles, like a flea circus.
It is you that is trembling on the brink of exhaustion, it is you that I must confront,
it is you that pushes me relentlessly forward and I want to expel you, whoever you are,

I do not know but define yourself or leave me in peace.
It is you that holds and collects and who does not release the anger except through
sadness it is you who is so selfish with your energies, you are my
obstacle and I hate you for your cowardice, you are chickenshit.

Our hands know it, our eyes know it, our feet who take us wherever we want to
go, our mind who is constantly scheming for perfection and the most
tolerable and comfortable and painless existence, for the easiest

Why do we run away from this life, this pain.
Why can we only fight each other with tears and regret and self-loathing and sadness?
Do you care that I hate you? That I have no respect for you?
That you have redefined integrity and faith always to your own purposes?
You are holding me back from what I want, you hide from me when I need you most,
where are you where am I?
You know I need you?
Is it something that I have missed?
When I look at you in the mirror we are fat and fine and
content to be subjugated to elegant mediocrity.
Oh elegant mediocrity elegant waste you are too banal for words.
There is no one hear to listen to your excuses and lies, only me.
IF God is there he must hear us and heal us, but I do not see Him reflected in us,
but do we want that?
Is it really our greatest aspiration and why?
For an eternity that we cannot reach?
Shall we reward ourselves for believing in that
which we cannot touch or see, am I deluding myself in hoping still that I
can be saved, I want to believe in anything that will liberate me from this mind.

So is it purity that you seek?
Do you wish to be free of me?
But then how empty I would be without you my constant companion, my
shadow, my doppelganger, we have been content to switch off ...
Disorder is what they would call us, yes? We are disorder.
Disorder-ed. Disorder-ly.
I crave a union with others like us but here is the fear that they will characterize of us,
that we feel alone and disenfranchised.

But I have you, don't I?
Let us commune now, and speak quietly amongst ourselves..haha we redefine that phrase...
We must be satisfied with outselves, yes all of us, we are the only
ones, we will retreat and heal ourselves, no one else wants to or can try
to fully comprehend us or our scars, no man will ever capture our heart
or commune amongst us.
Let us show ourselves to them and they will be afraid, they will not understand,
they will label us and categorize us and be useless, always talking talking as if they could fathom or explain
us, as if they could tell us what is a waste or not.

To be individual amongst them, we must commune amongst ourselves and present a facade, a
multi faceted facade that they will understand. Too too too hahahaha
much let us spin our cocoon too too too much to wrap their brains around.

We are grand within ourselves, and in this communion together, I embrace
us, everything that is myself, we are ours. and "I" may call you mine.

And perhaps because they cannot understand, they will dismiss us,
but we will have left a bad taste in their mouths.

Do not be afraid of me, of us, we are the strength
together, we have fought together, we have survived together.

And in our communion we will write all of our stories, of all our experiences and
tramua, we will help each other to remember. Tha hands, the feet, the
back, the neck, the heart, the arms, the nose, the eyes. We will help
each other to remember our story and we will define ourselves through our re-search.

Ourself. Myself. until we get to the conglomerate "ME".
We willliberate ourselves from the need to be defined according to
family, sex, race, social or sexual orientation. We will move forward in
unity and harmony and grace and find peace at last.
Peace with ourselves. And then perhaps we will be ready to share.
But for now let us content ourselves with our company, our corporate store of grace and
strength and knowledge. Let us commune and rebel and be glorious in our
rebellion even as we are now communing to a glorious rebellion against
that wonderful poison within us.
There is no need to be more truthful or poetic or profound.
We can laugh at all our other attempts, because they
were fragmented, disjointed, feeble attempts at only one of us trying to
touch a deeper well that only all of us unified can open, with Our key.

There within lie all the treasures, all the stores of exquisite pain and
joy and sorrow and laughter in which we can bathe and rejoice, and be
renewed by our own strength.

To dive within this well is keen, and painful, and sublime.
I know your hurt, your weakness and your pain,
your frustrations and sorrows, I can truly say they are mine and I share them.

But I also am the only one who knows you have weapons to combat
these, you we who have used them before, we are strong we are wise we are
powerful in ourself.yes, say it now: Myself.

We have no need for beauty except as our disguise.
Let us now present a united facade of serenity
even as we heal within.

And how shall we heal? Let all parts tell their story, and their opinion.
Let our mind travel to the hands to the ears to the feet and the voice even,
and each will tell the story, we will inhabit them with our voice and each
will have their turn to confess and tell Ourself how we can help to heal each part.
We will restore ourself because no one else can, or their attempts will be superficial,
righteous and false to us.

Commune now, be at peace and transcend pain,
for we will bear it together, transcend your present mediocrity,
it will only frustrate you, we will show you the key to profundity,
and we will arrive there together, not as One, but united in purpose,
not forsaking any part.

Eyes, now rest, heart, now rest, hands, ears, corporate body, spirit, now rest.
All shall rest and we will awaken together refreshed, we will
rejuvenate ourselves and begin the story-telling, and then the healing.

Then the eyes will shut again, we will find ourself wherever we are,
commune, and we we smile, cry, laugh, scream, rage, and Love with
unhindered and pure passion, untainted by guilt or needs from others.
We are all we need. We. Ourselves. OurSelf. Me. I.
go now. rest. we need rest.
then we'll handle the rest.

This is my City.